You are looking for an IT service provider, but you want the focus to be on facilities management (CAFM), workplace management (IWMS), real property management, building automation system integration (BAS), geographic information systems (GIS), building information modeling (BIM), computerized maintenance management (CMMS) or the integration of new and exciting technologies into such. Then JAVAKNIGHT can help you.

All too often technology vendors or VARs promise to provide expertise in IWMS packages such as Archibus, Tririga (Peregrine, SpanFM), Accruent (FAMIS, FIS), Maximo, Drawbase, Infor (Datastream), Aperture, ESRI, Mapguide, Revit, ArchiCAD, or other packages (which are all registered products of their respective parent companies) only to find that you have given them a contract and they begin to hire specialists (such as myself) to do what you asked them to do in the first place. Why not work directly with a specialist?

Limitations may be imposed on your business goals by system limitations, fear of being out of sync with vendor upgrades, integration concerns, or other technical factors. Overcoming these problems for some of our clients was insurmountable. . . . until JAVAKNIGHT came into the initiative. It is amazing what skilled expertise is able to accomplish even in extremely difficult environments. What would JAVAKNIGHT's skilled expertise accomplish in yours?

Skeptical? -- You should be. Examine the services on the left side of your screen to peruse the breadth of expertise, and call us for a conversation that will change your view of facilities technology.

Phone: 240.391.8806
Fax: 253.679.3783

JAVAKNIGHT KNOWS Building Construction and Operations TECHNOLOGY

JAVAKNIGHT is not just a technology provider, we provide technology that is directly relevant to the facility stakeholders. This focus on and extensive expertise in CAD, CAFM, IWMS, GIS and BIM is evident in the periodic reviews and perspectives that are written on the JAVAKNIGHT blogs. When new technology arises, at times it is difficult to see just how it applies to facility operations. These are discussed in the technology-i-like blog. At times the industry is grappling with issues of integration or presentation of information and a solution may be right within striking distance, at other times developments in the industry may be difficult to assess as to the advantages or disadvantages. These issues are discussed in javaknight-insight. Recent topics from both of these can be found below.

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